Our editor-in-chief Nate Yapp is proud to have contributed to the new book Hidden Horror: A Celebration of 101 Underrated and Overlooked Fright Flicks, edited by Aaron Christensen. Another contributors include Anthony Timpone, B.J. Colangelo, Dave Alexander, Classic-Horror.com's own Robert C. Ring and John W. Bowen. Pick up a copy today from Amazon.com!

Tags: words from the editor

The Horror of Availability

Joseph Maddrey, author of the excellent "Nightmares in Red, White, and Blue: The Evolution of the American Horror Film" and occasional Classic-Horror contributor, has a thought-provoking post up at his blog about modern horror.(read more...)

We've Got Panache!

Over at DVD Panache, an awesome movie blog, Adam Ross posts a weekly segment called the Friday Screen Test, where a blogger or "web-siteur" answers questions about their film fanatacism. This week, I'm the one answering the questions. A lot of the questions seemed simple until I started answering them, at which point they became downright complex.(read more...)

Classic-Horror Halloween Viewing Guide 2007

Wondering what to watch on Halloween night? We have four lists for you, each one dedicated to a different "era" of horror. Each playlist is ordered chronologically, but you can (and should) mix things up to your preference.  We tried limiting each list to eight hours worth of films, but we couldn't limit ourselves well enough, so instead we've provided the runtime (Rt) for each film in minutes so you can choose the best films for whatever time constraints you may or may not have.(read more...)

"Hatchet" Opens Today!

Hatchet DVD

Here it is, boys and girls, the big day. September 7th, 2007. Adam Green's slasher Hatchet opens in 70+ theaters across the country and it's time to show our support. If you're sick of remakes, sick of sequels, and you just want to see some good, old-fashioned 1980s-style blood-and-gory fun up on the big screen where it belongs, find the nearest theater playing the movie and get there. Julia and I have already reserved our tickets for the 8:30PM showing at the AMC Deer Valley in Phoenix, AZ.(read more...)

Are You a Member of the Hatchet Army?

Hatchet Poster (Final)

I've said it before, but it needs to be said again -- while the recent spate of remakes and sequels is not necessarily a bad thing, it has become a little overkill. That's why we're looking forward to Hatchet, Adam Green's R-rated slasher film, which promises good, old-fashioned thrills and chills, plus some improvements on some of the less appealing aspects of the slasher. How can you support Green's ambitious project? Two ways.(read more...)

Future Goodies from Classic-Horror

Classic-Horror.com is a small site, but we're getting bigger all the time. I just thought I'd take a second to give you all a heads-up on what we have planned for the next few months.(read more...)

Ebert, AFI, and the Dead Teenager Movie

Let me begin by saying that there's a certain irony in the story I'm about to tell. I've spent the last week and a half in defense of the so-called "Dead Teenager Movie". When I started Classic-Horror, eight years back when I was younger and dumber, it was meant as a shining spire of enlightment, broadcasting a message of excellent horror in what I perceived to be a wasteland of Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees fansites. My notion of horror on the Internet has changed significantly since then, as has my appreciation of the slasher genre.(read more...)

AFI to Horror: Not on Our List

Let's take a second to review the process of listing "best movies". The only word that can really be used to describe the process is "arbitrary." In the case of the AFI's "100 Best" lists, the American Film Institute's "experts" -- over 1,500 "leaders from the creative community", including directors, writers, actors, cinematographers, and editors -- vote from a list of 400 nominated films on which 100 are the very best. The film must be feature-length and American.(read more...)

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