Our editor-in-chief Nate Yapp is proud to have contributed to the new book Hidden Horror: A Celebration of 101 Underrated and Overlooked Fright Flicks, edited by Aaron Christensen. Another contributors include Anthony Timpone, B.J. Colangelo, Dave Alexander, Classic-Horror.com's own Robert C. Ring and John W. Bowen. Pick up a copy today from Amazon.com!

Posts by John Dubrawa

Review: 30 Days of Night (2007)

30 Days of Night

Once there was a time when serial killers walked, zombies lurched, and vampires stalked, but times have most certainly changed. Now serial killers sprint, zombies run, and vampires, like the ones in David Slade’s brutal and stylized 30 Days of Night, move so fast that the camera can’t keep up with them.(read more...)

Review: Christmas Evil (1980)

Christmas Evil poster

It’s Christmas Eve and tonight toymaker Harry Stadling (Brandon Maggart), with his homemade Santa suit and decrepit old van with a sleigh painted on the side, will deliver presents to a local hospital, stalk the neighborhood children that appear on his own “naughty” and “nice” lists, and kill a rich socialite in the middle of the street outside a church before the night is through. Though intriguing, the basic outline of Lewis Jackson’s Christmas Evil begs the question: Why does Harry do this?(read more...)

Review: Sunshine (2007)


Danny Boyle’s Sunshine is about the struggle for hope woven into a tale of a survival in the far reaches of outer space. Sunshine is a taxing experience for the viewer, requiring a great deal of patience because of the slow pace,  the result of the film being almost entirely character-driven. As Sunshine pushes forward, the characters descend deeper into the depths of sheer depravity, and their decisions, while seeming inauspicious to some, are never implausible. That the characters make such calamitous decisions is a testament to the film's superb writing, which never turns its heroes into clichés or sullies the plot with thrills for the sake of thrills. Sunshine is a taut sci-fi thriller that knows its place and stands its ground.
(read more...)

Review: Someone's Watching Me! (1978)

Someone's Watching Me! DVD

John Carpenter’s Someone’s Watching Me is the famed horror director’s personal homage to Alfred Hitchcock’s classic cat-and-mouse thriller Rear Window. Behind the camera, Carpenter’s personal touches are prominent and evident, and the musical score works to help serve the eerie tone. However, Carpenter’s film relies too much on the previous source material and the end result is a film that feels borrowed instead of new.(read more...)

Review: Unholy (2007)

Unholy poster

For a film that is only 82-minutes long, Unholy has too much plot. It dabbles in the occult, government conspiracies, brainwashing, suicide, time travel, and Nazism but doesn’t have enough time to explain how these pieces fit into the grander scheme of the movie’s ever-running puzzle, likely because there is no answer. For a movie with so much happening, it’s also slow-moving, uninteresting, and dull. It contains a few formulaic scenes that are fright-inducing, and then repeats them over and over again until they become cringe-inducing. There is some decent acting to be found, at least as decent as the material will allow; the dialogue doesn’t stir the audience’s interest and not even the characters can seem to follow the plot.(read more...)

Review: Primeval (2007)

Primeval poster

It is sheer coincidence that holds the two subplots of Primeval together, and it is this lack of a concrete, more complex idea that makes the film such an incoherent mess. These smaller parts do little to compliment one another and never quite come together as a cohesive whole. The creators of Primeval manage to turn what could have been a clever jab at a societal issue into a tackless morality club with which to batter its audience repeatedly over the head. Populating this disjointed sub-par horror effort are intangible characters that take part in dull conversations with one another and do little to rejuvenate the plot.(read more...)