Our editor-in-chief Nate Yapp is proud to have contributed to the new book Hidden Horror: A Celebration of 101 Underrated and Overlooked Fright Flicks, edited by Aaron Christensen. Another contributors include Anthony Timpone, B.J. Colangelo, Dave Alexander, Classic-Horror.com's own Robert C. Ring and John W. Bowen. Pick up a copy today from Amazon.com!

Posts by Nate Yapp

New Production Stills from "Hellboy 2"

Hellboy 2 poster

This is only marginally related to the horror genre, but we received new production stills for Guillermo del Toro's Hellboy II: The Golden Army, coming out July 11, 2008. There's some pretty good stuff in here, so we felt obligated to share.(read more...)

Five Horror Films for Easter

Killer Rabbit

Just because Easter is a major religious holiday doesn't mean that it can't be used as an excuse to sit down and watch a bunch of horror films. Please note that this article is not for the easily offended or the uneasily offended, for that matter.

(read more...)

Legend Films Releases Horrors from the Paramount Vault

Deadly Bees poster

Legend Films, known for releasing excellent restorations of classic horror films in both their original black & white and newly colorized forms, has licensed a number of classic horror and sci-fi titles from Paramount, according to DVD Drive-in. This is great news for horror fans, as up until recently, Paramount has been reluctant to release these "library" films. Included in the deal are Amicus flicks like The Skull (1965) and The Deadly Bees (1967), the Hammer thriller The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959), Roger Christian's The Sender (1982), the slasher parody Student Bodies (1981), Saul Bass's ants amok movie Phase IV (1974), and the wacky Jekyll and Hyde Together Again (1982). Non-horror titles include ZPG (1972) and the William Castle-directed comedy The Busy Body (1967).(read more...)

Pics: Benicio del Toro as "The Wolf Man"

Benicio del Toro as The Wolf Man #1

Entertainment Weekly has posted an interview with makeup effects wizard Rick Baker on their website, where they discuss the ins and outs of making Benicio del Toro into a werewolf for Universal's remake of their 1941 classic The Wolf Man. Accompanying the interview are two sweet pictures of del Toro in makeup. I have to say, at least they have the look down -- there's a clear lineage from the old school look, but it's been updated to utilize modern sensibilities and techniques.

Click the picture below to open a larger version in a new window.

David Cronenberg Week

David Cronenberg on the set of Videodrome

Maybe it was merely coincidence that three of our writers were all working on reviews of films directed by David Cronenberg at the same time, but we could hardly ignore it. If we're thinking about Canada's King of Veneral Horror right now, it's equally likely that you are, too. It's not surprising that he's in our heads right now, since he has a way of sticking there. The myriad of bizarre themes in his films -- the body politic, the melding of man and technology, and the conspiracy of/against society, among others -- are like viruses that subtly infect our brain cells, making residence and changing how we view the world. Even though Cronenberg has moved on to the more Oscar-friendly pastures of the crime drama in A History of Violence and Eastern Promises, the legacy of horror he has left in films like Shivers, Videodrome, and The Fly (1986) continue to shock audiences at both the visceral and intellectual levels.(read more...)

New Trailer for "The Strangers"

Strangers Poster

When we interviewed writer-director Bryan Bertino about The Strangers in July (for an upcoming feature), we were impressed with his grasp on suspense and what made the horror genre tick. When his movie's release date kept getting pushed back, we started to worry that our faith had perhaps been misplaced. However, the trailer has just showed up on Yahoo Movies, and our fears have been dispelled.(read more...)

Platinum Dunes Contemplates "Rosemary's" Remake

Rosemary's Baby

Michael Bay's production company Platinum Dunes, responsible for remaking Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Amityville Horror, now turns its attention to Roman Polanski's seminal thriller Rosemary's Baby. According to ShockTillYouDrop.com, they're in talks with Paramount to produce a new version of the 1968 film. Dunes is also busy with remakes of A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Birds, as well as a revisit of the Friday the 13th mythos.

Doomsday Online Game

Doomsday Poster

In keeping with my editorial on balancing a love of the classics with an enthusiasm with future genre offerings, I thought I'd point out that Doomsday, the new apocalyptic thriller from Dog Soldiers and The Descent director Neil Marshall, coming out on March 14th. To promote the release, Universal has posted "Doomsday - Marauder Massacre", an online video game. You take the role of a commando in a shooting gallery style action game that's insanely difficult.(read more...)

The Horror of Availability

Joseph Maddrey, author of the excellent "Nightmares in Red, White, and Blue: The Evolution of the American Horror Film" and occasional Classic-Horror contributor, has a thought-provoking post up at his blog about modern horror.(read more...)

The "Devils" in the DVD Details (UPDATED)

UPDATE: There will be no release of The Devils in the near-future.(read more...)