Our editor-in-chief Nate Yapp is proud to have contributed to the new book Hidden Horror: A Celebration of 101 Underrated and Overlooked Fright Flicks, edited by Aaron Christensen. Another contributors include Anthony Timpone, B.J. Colangelo, Dave Alexander, Classic-Horror.com's own Robert C. Ring and John W. Bowen. Pick up a copy today from Amazon.com!

Haunted Newsreel

Have a scoop? Send it to us! Be sure to include your name and where you found the news in your email.

Dark Sky to Release Curtis Harrington's "The Killing Kind" on DVD

The Killing Kind DVD

Curtis Harrington's 1973 crime-horror-thriller The Killing Kind will be making its DVD debut courtesy of Dark Sky Films, DVD Drive-In reports. The disc will also contain the last on-camera interview with Harrington, who died earlier this year. In the film, Terry Lambert (John Savage) is released from prison and moves into a boarding house run by his overbearing mother (Ann Sothern). While spying on one of the tenants (Cindy Williams) gives Terry some pleasure, things are not all well. He's developed a taste for rough sex and violence while in prison. When the judge (Ruth Roman) and key witness (Sue Bernard) who put Terry behind bars meet terrible fates, how long will it be before things turn badly for the other women in his life?(read more...)

"Mario Bava Collection Volume 2" Cover Art

Mario Bava Collection Volume 2

We've received the cover art for Anchor Bay's Mario Bava Collection: Volume 2. This box set, set for release October 23rd, will contain eight of Bava's films, including Lisa and the Devil, House of Exorcism, Bay of Blood, Baron Blood, Kidnapped, Roy Colt and Winchester Jack, 5 Dolls for an August Moon, and Four Times that Night. Bava expert Tim Lucas (who recently released the definitive book on Bava, "Mario Bava: All the Colors of the Dark", available for order here) provided commentary tracks for Lisa and the Devil, Baron Blood, and Bay of Blood. A commentary for House of Exorcism by producer Alfredo Leone and star Elke Sommer has been imported from Image's previous release of the film.(read more...)

Cover Art for "Hellraiser" 20th Anniversary DVD

Hellraiser 20th Anniversary DVD

A swing through Anchor Bay's website revealed the cover art for their upcoming 20th Anniversary DVD of Clive Barker's Hellraiser, due to hit shelves on October 23rd, 2007. The disc will contain:(read more...)

Vocal Cameos A-Plenty in "Diary of the Dead"

George A. Romero's new zombie film Diary of the Dead will contain cameos by several recognizable names, but don't look for familiar faces. According to a feature in USA Today, Stephen King, Quentin Tarantino, Simon Pegg, Wes Craven, and Guillermo del Toro will all lend their voices to Diary. Given Romero's focus on media in Diary ("I thought it would be cool to go back to Day 1, when it all starts, and lay media stuff on top," Romero told USA Today), my guess is that we'll be hearing these voices from televisions and radios.

Diary of the Dead makes its world premiere Saturday as part of the Midnight Madness program at the Toronto International Film Festival. The film has no United States distributor yet, but we expect that to change after the premiere.

"Night of the Living Dead 3D" DVD in 3D

Night of the Living Dead 3D cover art

Despite rumors that Lions Gate's DVD release of last year's remake Night of the Living Dead 3D would be in 2D, ShockTillYouDrop.com reports that the disc will come with four pairs of 3D glasses when it's released October 9th. The DVD will also feature:(read more...)

"Hatchet" Opens Today!

Hatchet DVD

Here it is, boys and girls, the big day. September 7th, 2007. Adam Green's slasher Hatchet opens in 70+ theaters across the country and it's time to show our support. If you're sick of remakes, sick of sequels, and you just want to see some good, old-fashioned 1980s-style blood-and-gory fun up on the big screen where it belongs, find the nearest theater playing the movie and get there. Julia and I have already reserved our tickets for the 8:30PM showing at the AMC Deer Valley in Phoenix, AZ.(read more...)

Rick Baker to Design New "Wolf Man"

Rick Baker newsreel

ShockTillYouDrop.com received word today that Rick Baker, FX maestro behind An American Werewolf in London, has signed on to create the werewolf makeup for Mark Romanek's upcoming The Wolf Man, a remake of the classic Universal horror film. Filming on The Wolf Man begins in December. The movie, starring Benicio Del Toro as Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney Jr's original role) and Anthony Hopkins, has a projected release date of November 14, 2008.

The Return of Fu Manchu

Production company Distant Horizon (Prey) has hired screenwriters Eddie and Chris Borey (Open Grave) to revive Sax Rohmer's pulp villain Fu Manchu for a new film, according to Variety.com. Distant Horizon will be co-producing the as-yet untitled film with Harry Alan Towers, who produced a series of Fu Manchu flicks starring Christopher Lee in the 1960s, and Maria Rohm, who acted in The Vengeance of Fu Manchu and The Blood of Fu Manchu.

The character was last seen in a cameo in Rob Zombie's fake Grindhouse trailer, "Werewolf Women of the SS", portrayed by Nicholas Cage.

Fruit Chan Attached to English-Language "Don't Look Up"

Hong Kong director Fruit Chan is attached to helm the English-language remake of Hideo Nakata's Don't Look Up, according to Variety.com. In the new version, backed by Distant Horizon (Prey) and Japan's Action 5, a movie production experiences supernatural weirdness due to an old piece of film that captured a woman's murder. "I loved the original film by Hideo Nakata," Chan said. "And I was happy to take on the remake. For too long I've been labeled as an art-house director. I'm a director." Filming is expected to take place in South Africa and Romania within the next few months.(read more...)

Rob Zombie Discusses "Halloween" DVD

Rob Zombie newsreel pic

Rob Zombie's Halloween remake hasn't been out a full week, but the director is already talking about the DVD. He confirmed to Fangoria.com that there will be a full-length documentary similar to the 30 Days in Hell feature found on the Devil's Rejects disc. "We shot one the same way," Zombie said.(read more...)

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